
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Inspire Me Sense-less

This weeks Inspire Me Thursday challenge is to produce a piece without using your senses this time. Tricky for a control freak like me but I had a go anyway. I'm not going to say anything about this one as it would make the whole exercise futile, except to say I limited my palette to pale blues and not-quite-greens, used a palette knife instead of a brush and had a random pile of pages ripped out of magazines and just let it happen. Once finished I gave it the title 'Lost', because that's how I felt doing it. Very exhilarating!

Update - Since posting this I have been sent a poem in response to this painting...

a butterfly a tear
pale blue echos the room
a memory so clear
through the window of my mind
it circles and whirls
falls to the ground
a scrap of non-sense
not lost but found

(it's beautiful, thanks mum!)


jennifer black said...

I love your piece--senselessness and all. ;-) Very beautiful.

carla said...

It's as if you've tapped into a tranquil aspect of your being...the blues and the images are very free, peacful, and open. This is like a dream piece...created from a dream and inspiring a dream. It's really beautiful.